Spring Break 2013

LCC Culinary Does Asian Cuisine in the Cafeteria (80/365)
One of the cool things at school this past week: Asian cuisine in the cafeteria prepared by LCC culinary students. :)

Holy shit, I’m on spring break! Something I never would have imagined saying to anyone ever again around this time last year. I’m a grown ass woman, and I’m on spring break. What the –?

But yeah, it isn’t going to be full of relaxation, booze, or beach-going as one would hope. It’s an old person’s spring break, so I have some work to get done. Taxes for one, dropping off some paperwork at various places, some banking has to happen, etc. Also, my apartment was getting seriously bad guys. I mean, really, embarrassingly messy. So, tonight I started by throwing out a bunch of stuff from the fridge. I’m throwing shit away, (in some cases) out of sheer laziness. I sure hope my mom can’t see me from the afterlife. She’d be shaking her head… Though, I think if she could, her ghost would come back and clean the apartment for me. She’d haunt me by cleaning! God. I miss my mom.

Oh, and guess what else I’ve got this spring break? Homework. BIOLOGY, in particular. Oh the humanity! He had to leave it the same, I suppose, so I had three things due tonight, two quizzes are due on Tuesday, a lab report paper due Wednesday, and more chapter homework assignments/quizzes due on the upcoming Sunday. I have a bit of Chemistry homework as well, but it’s reasonable.

And, bless my math professor, because he said he wanted spring break to be priority #1, so we have no math homework due until the Thursday after spring break. I plan to get him a card, and have the entire class (there are only like, 9 of us), sign it, and write some kind of joke in it if possible. The lamer, the better. I overheard him telling one of the students he won’t be teaching next semester. I’m sad. I would have really taken the class from him again if I could have.

On another note, I’m further experimenting on myself. Aside from putting a stop to distance running, I’ve been altering my diet. This week, I’m going to try using a fat burner. I’ve been kind of against them, but decided to try it at Kirstyn’s suggestion. I know some people who know me are like: what the fuck? You’re thin!

I guess I am small, but I am not thin. I think I’m 28 or 29% body fat. I want to be close to 20. I don’t plan to use the burner for long. Also, if I feel jittery or sick, I plan to discontinue use. I have to admit to you, that I’ve been feeling the slightest bit self-destructive lately. Kind of a reversion to my younger days. I’ve been wanting a cigarette, and more alcohol in my life. I’ve been wanting to run screaming out the door some days from too much anxiety. More than anything, I’ve been wanting to just stop feeling things. Ah. It really feels like I’m young again. Don’t worry though. I’m doing OK. Just peachy. :)

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