Newest Whatsit

Soba spaghetti
Spaghetti with Soba noodles

If you know me, you know I tend to set these random life goals. What’s kind of neat, is I usually accomplish them, or come close enough I don’t mind stopping. I never feel like a failure for trying something out, anyway. Committing to such endeavors is serious business for me, because once the commitment is made I try very hard to keep my word. Even though the only person I’d be really letting down is myself, I try to accept these self-motivated challenges to show I have willpower and discipline to make things happen.

My newest goal, is to be thin. I’ve been healthy and average in recent years (and currently). During my physical I was told my BMI was within healthy range, and people tell me I look well. But, I think I’m doing this as an experiment partially out of boredom, curiousity, and again… boredom. But, also because I was a lot thinner in my younger days, and it was kind of a neat feeling. Bonus: It saves me money if I eat less. (My college life has a budget).

So, I post this here on the Internet because it somewhat holds me accountable. It’s stupid, I know. But … I like experimenting on myself. Before completing a marathon, I’d never thought that was something possible for me. Painting… Math & Science.. On to the next.


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