Just August.

Say Goodbye to Thursday

It’s already coming up on the end of August. The older I get, the quicker time flies. Days run out of hours, and months combine into one long monotonous blah. I’ve been at the same company for five years now. It had never been my intention to stay so long, and I did apply for a couple of federal positions back in 2008, but my application never got selected. Then, I had some personal family-related issues arise in 2009 – 2010, which kept me in place. In 2011, I should have applied for a different job in IT, but felt like getting out of IT completely and had a mortgage to think about… so, I stayed put.

But finally, I think it’s time to move on. At least, I hope next August I’ll be somewhere else in life. A new company, or back in school… I’ve been throwing around the idea of going back to school to become something completely different. I don’t want to post what I want to major in, just in case the advisors tell me, “no way.” I’m also not 100% sure I want to do it. I bought the famous book, “What Color is Your Parachute” to help me figure out what the hell I want to be, but have yet to read it.

I really thought I’d be set in my career by now, but it’s feeling like I’ll soon be starting over again.

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