Valentine’s Day 2013 – Kinda sucked.

Awkward Valentine (45/365)
The flowers I got on Valentine’s Day…

On Valentine’s Day, I had a slew of studying to do, and made it a point to go to school early to knock some homework out. The young man who asked me to the ball this past weekend, texted me to ask if I’d like to have lunch with him. I didn’t really want to, but was about to take a break for food, and replied I was doing homework, but could take a break.

I cringed internally, as he walked up to me with flowers. He is just too young. And in my mind, I asked myself, “Did I just get myself into a Valentine’s Day date?!” Crap. I joked about it on twitter, and tried to make the most of it, but in reality – this day made me both mad, and sad.

We ended up going to a sushi place in Aiea. It was his choosing. I don’t eat white rice, but did that day. He told me how he disagreed with how I cut out sugar and white rice from my diet. He also tried to make me eat a lot more food than I’m used to eating, even after telling him I have a family history of heart disease and have worked for five years to bring my cholesterol down. He ordered a dessert and insisted I try some. He seemed bothered that I couldn’t finish my whole lunch, and I watched him eat two lunches, while also peeking at my watch from time to time, wishing I was back at school to finish my homework which was due the next day.

In feeling more comfortable around me, he began to talk a lot more, and often kind of told me what to do.

This all became entirely too irksome. The more I listened to him talk, the more I wanted to get out of there. He dropped the Chemistry class we were in together, but plans to keep attending classes and audit it. He said he now has a lot more spare time since dropping the class, and felt a lot better and could now “Hang out like this.” To which my inner-self yelled, “Hey guy, I don’t have spare time. I didn’t drop the class!” He also talked to me as if I didn’t understand Chemistry (probably because he wasn’t understanding or doing well in it)… Yeah. That was also way friggin’ irritating. Take notes gentlemen. This is how NOT to get a lady.

And then, to top things off, he said, “You study a lot, yeah? I should study with you.” Which I didn’t really reply to. My inner-self was yelling: “OH, HELL NO!” I only agreed to go to a ball. Not to become a study buddy.. not to be a Valentine, and not to be talked-down to. So, I’m done. I’m just gonna be “busy” from now on.

I returned to campus holding those flowers, which felt like a big burden in my hand. I probably should have felt appreciative, but that lunch made me mad. I didn’t have enough time to finish my homework before math class since we took 3 hours to get back to campus. I felt like a marked woman with those flowers dangling from my left hand on Valentine’s Day. Like someone had tagged me and sent me out into the wild, ensuring I would never find happiness again.

A bit melodramatic, I know, but I get weird about Valentine’s Day. I’d much prefer to be alone than with someone I’m not romantically into.

VDay 2013 was a total bust.

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2 Responses to Valentine’s Day 2013 – Kinda sucked.

  1. onebadscrivener says:

    I was at a party with some of the others in my cohort. This young, smart cutie whom I sorta had my eye on (but not really…she was just far too young) and I were left alone in the kitchen somehow. At the time, I was involved in planning my twenty-year high-school reunion and she was still about three years away from her ten-year high-school reunion (lust is blind, I tell you). I asked her about our upcoming spring break, and she said she had plans to go to Cancun. So I was like, “Wow, I’m so old I can’t even conceive of wanting to go to Cancun for spring break.”

    Then I asked her, “Do you plan to go to your ten-year reunion when it rolls around?” And she said, “I guess probably, if for no other reason than to laugh at what the others have become.”

    It’s amazing how quickly our differences become plain. I’m sorry your VD sucked.

    • honeybee says:

      Wow- she didn’t sound like the nicest person with that remark. It does suck when you realize someone is not as cool as you’d hoped they would be… So, if I’m right, she was 13 years younger than you, at the time? I hear the “acceptable” Internet rule on dating someone younger, is 1/2 your current age, + 7. In both our cases, they failed the Internet age dating rule thing-a-ma-jiggy. Probably for the best. lol!

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