Just Us
Taken 6/28/12. My cat, Squirrel. Sometimes she follows me around the apartment. Sometimes she leans in, and rests her head against my forehead. I don’t know how she got to be such a sweetie pie. I adopted her last year … Continue reading
Taken 6/28/12. My cat, Squirrel. Sometimes she follows me around the apartment. Sometimes she leans in, and rests her head against my forehead. I don’t know how she got to be such a sweetie pie. I adopted her last year … Continue reading
I made these today. The consistency was a lot more like bread than a pancake, so I ended up folding them up and eating them like a sandwich. I referenced this recipe, and tweaked it: carrotsncake.com/2011/08/grateful-thoughts.html I imagine her recipe … Continue reading
I got a couple of offers for free photo books for Shutterfly, from Best Buy, when I purchased my cameras last year. The first one was going to expire in two days. I hurriedly put a book together this morning, … Continue reading
It was sitting in a small bag, with a Panda on the package, and the brand name: Bam Boom. A new discovery today while shopping at Don Quijote in Pearl City, HI. Bamboo infused rice becomes green. Green rice is … Continue reading
As a disclaimer, I’m not known for cooking. It’s something I don’t do too often, but am trying to do more. I finally joined a gym and started lifting weights in September 2011. Along with the weight-lifting, came protein powder. … Continue reading
New Edition, is one of those rare groups I feel like I grew up with. As a kid I remember listening to them on the radio, watching videos on MTV, and remember things like them covering “Earth Angel” for The … Continue reading
It’s been fifteen years since I’ve seen my father in the flesh. The last time I saw him, before the funeral, he was lying in his hospital bed, already gone. The hospital called to tell me my father had passed … Continue reading
Today, I was stoked to come home from work to find my order from Lollyphile had arrived. I got a dozen Green Tea, and another dozen Sriracha lollipops. For those of you who’ve never heard of it, or aren’t sure, … Continue reading
Here’s a picture of Squirrel after I got her home. Notice her left paw has been shaved for the IV during surgery. Her eyes are dilated from the pain meds, but she did good and was still affectionate and not … Continue reading
It’s been a little over a year with my cat, Squirrel. You can read about Squirrel and how I adopted her last year in this earlier post. I started taking Squirrel to Kaka’ako Pet Hospital this year. Her first appointment … Continue reading