One of the guys today, told me I look like a bag of bones. He said it more than once in conversation, so I had to ask him if that was a good or a bad thing in his opinion, because English is his second language. He said it was a good thing. I felt OK about it after that. In my mind, I had the quick mini-internal-convo: “Hmmm… should I tell him that calling someone a Bag of Bones could really be seen as more of an insult?” and decided against it. I kinda liked it. It’s cool he thinks I’m thin. He guessed I was 55 kg, and I am 111 lbs, so he was pretty close. He said 55 kg is what he considers light. I am the slightest bit over 111 lbs, but generally in that area these days. When I was in high school, I was told my ideal weight for my height, is 107 lbs. But, hey. I’m also more muscular, I tell myself. But yeah. I still need some work.
I had Calculus and Chemistry today. I’m so happy I have both classes on the same day. I’d thought the 6-hour gap would be a bad thing, but it’s actually pretty great. Tomorrow, I have Chemistry lab, and that’s all, in the evening. Happy Happy. :)
I plan to try really hard in both classes this semester. I wish I could have taken more classes. It feels weird to only have two classes, but it’s all I can take. I need more Chem courses, Physics, and more Calculus, and that’s about it. I can’t stack Chem courses at this point, and Physics is only offered in the spring (and requires Calculus 1). By December 2014, if all goes according to plan, I’ll be done with LCC. I’ll have taken all the Chemistry I could, (Gen Chem and OChem), Calculus I – III, and The Physics series required for Chemistry majors (170 and 272).
I wish I was taking OChem right now since Andy and Alex are both taking it, and it seems like it’d be fun to be in their class. Alex is in my Calc class, and Andy was in my Bio 171/L class last spring. They both seem pretty sharp.
Math is starting to come together for me. I still have a ways to go, but things are beginning to make sense. Hopefully I do well in Calculus. I am dying on the earlier things like graphing functions, which should have been learned in Algebra. I need to practice over the weekend. I plan to, anyway.
Monday, is a holiday. I’m happy about that. I don’t think I’ll be checking out the Okinawan festival. This would be the first year in a long time that I don’t, but something tells me I can’t afford such things anymore. I still have a lot of vinyl to get rid of. I don’t know why I don’t just sell it, but who buys vinyl anymore? It’s now the age of the digital DJ, isn’t it?
My cold is pretty much in the end stages now, so I’m also stoked for that.
I saw the guy I like today, and felt happy.
I can’t complain about today. It went pretty well.