The cake, was red velvet, and… I did not eat a piece, but appreciated the gesture!
Tomorrow, will be the last day that I work for my current company, and my exit from the field of IT. I will never say never… because you never know.. I could decide to return to it one day– but for now it’s the ending of a decidedly major chapter in my life. (In other words, it’s a big ass deal).
I have worked in the IT industry for a little over 7.5 years professionally. This does not include time spent interning at KCC, and as a student who sometimes took apart old PCs at a friend’s house in her spare time to learn how the dang things worked. Yesterday, as I was installing updates and CaC readers and ActivClient software on some of the computers in the office, I knew that I actually do like that part of the job, which is the actual work part of IT– web application server and desktop support, and oracle DB administration in my case. The field itself is what I’m not as crazy about. I hope to remain on top of things from a technical standpoint and will always try to integrate technology into my future endeavors.
Today, my coworkers surprised me with a going away party a day early. It was pretty smart and cool of them since I didn’t expect it. In truth, I wasn’t even expecting a party to happen tomorrow, so it was cool to receive one, and to have a chance to talk to everyone, and spend a little time together. Best of all, I like it that everyone got to eat free food and some have some time to chill.
In honor of my decision to pursue a new career as a registered dietitian, they made an effort to bring healthier than usual foods to this party. There was a vegetable platter, a fruit platter, some sushi, nishime, gobo, and walnuts still in the shell. Wow! The cake was dessert and they kinda knew I wasn’t gonna eat it but it’s cool they got a cake so others in the office could enjoy it.
I’m thankful for my party and humbled. I honestly don’t feel like I deserved it, but it was super nice of them. I also got a lei, and a couple of nice cards and some extra stuff. Wow. I’m lucky to have had such a positive exit from this job, and from IT. It kinda makes it feel more like I’m making the right decision and also that I did OK in this chapter of my life. I’m continuing onward with a happy feeling in my chest. :)
It rained a couple of morning’s ago, and the rain kinda looked like snow… and I knew I would miss being able to walk to work in 15 minutes.