sunday night anxiety

i was a bad girl
A custard dessert from the LCC cafeteria – one of the many foods I’ve been cheating with recently

This weekend, feelings of optimism started to fade. I’m still an optimist, but always a realist as well (I try to be, anyhow). My brain feels dumb. I’m not as smart as I’d like to be.

I studied the worksheet given to us by Prof. Seffrood, on differentiation (the chain rule) over and over again. With the chain rule, it’s easy to forget stuff if you’re me. I just kept plugging away at it and trying to get consistent answers. I have a quiz tomorrow which I’m filled with major anxiety about.

Been slacking on my diet for the past few weeks– as well as exercise. It needs to stop. I’ve gained weight and I can feel it. I think about my dad and how weak our hearts are. I’m being dumb. The e-cigarette habit I picked up this summer has to stop. Note to self: Stop being an idiot. Once I finish the ones I have, I won’t buy more.

It was sad to hear Lou Reed passed away today. Stu introduced me to The Velvet Underground this year when I asked for a recommendation on angsty music. I loved his recommendation of the album, Loaded. It led me to listen to some other releases by them, as well as some of Reed’s solo work this year. R.I.P.

Weekend wrap-up:
Fun stuff:
Friday lunch with Christopher at Sikdorak
Friday evening shopping with Rich (very brief jaunt to DonQuijote)
Cruising between studying with Sifu (Friday night, Saturday, and Sunday)
Ran on Saturday morning (3 mi.)
Watched the World Series on Saturday, and tail end on Sunday: (I’m rooting for Boston)
Watched The Walking Dead (meh)
Blogging and other Internet nonsense

The “responsible” stuff:
Studied Friday night, Saturday, and some of Sunday (differentiation and some implicit differentiation)
Studied Chemistry (Sunday morning only)
Shopping – Target
Mild cleaning

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better living through chemistry

Acid base reactions lab (297/365)

I enjoy learning about chemistry. I don’t know why I like it so much, but it fascinates me. I took my second exam, and got a 90%. It really should have been 100% after looking it over. I made stupid mistakes on two multiple choice questions. I was disappointed in myself, but some people in the class failed the test, so I decided to just be happy I didn’t get anything lower.

This week, I felt OK about things. School… life in general. Last week, was the opposite. I woke up thinking of going back to work in IT, and just disappearing from campus next semester. Just leaving behind the failed segment of my life that would always remain a thorn in my side. I wanted to cut and run. Maybe no one would even notice. That would be ideal.

But, I will try to stick this out. I worry I’m not smart enough. People tell me I am, but I work so hard… I just wish my memory was what it used to be. But, I’m trying.

I met with Christopher for lunch today at Sikdorak, and had a good time. He gave me some good words of wisdom. I realize I am a lucky so and so. I will try to enjoy it more and stop worrying so much. I do feel like I got a weird second chance at things. I did everything for my parents the first time, including devoting much of my life to their care. And now, I guess it feels weird to have no one to do anything for except me.

So, maybe it’s lucky I still look like a 20-something year old young lady, and I get to do the school thing all over again… and maybe I should just be happy about things instead of worrying all the time… but I’m a worrier. I worry.

I can’t complain about my life. I get to go back to school and study something that makes me really excited. I can’t wait for Ochem next semester!

On a personal note, I met a guy who makes me optimistic about hoping for things… though, I don’t wanna get carried away and start having too many thoughts about the future. I have to just let things play out and see what happens. I can’t have too much hope. Not yet. I know this sounds messed up, but you have to understand… I’m treading cautiously here, because I’m pretty scared he’ll come to his senses and disappear.

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becoming what you want to be

I recently got paid for my peer mentoring gig in the summer! It came at the right time. I really am grateful for the experience I had, as well as the opportunity.. and the $500. Yup.

I got 100% on yesterday’s Chem quiz. But I did well on the previous quiz for chapter 11, only to bomb exam 1, so I don’t want to get cocky. Apparently, there are people freaking out in the class. In the parking lot last night, after lab, I was walking to my car and two girls in the class were pretty frantically waving me over to them. They told me they bombed the quiz and the previous exam. They asked how I did on the quiz, and they kind of knew I did well, and then they asked me to run a study session for them to prepare them for exam 2 taking place next Wednesday (10/23). I agreed, hesitantly. I don’t have much faith in myself, truth be told. I haven’t even finished the homework and reading for chapter 15, which is also on next week’s exam.

But, I figured if I want to teach, this might be a good experience. The thing I have a hard time with, is hearing that they are mad about the difficulty of the class and feeling like they don’t want to put in the time. I put in tons of hours studying, because I need to. I hear students make (valid and invalid) excuses all the time like: I have to work, this is just community college and it shouldn’t be hard, this one class shouldn’t be so difficult, i hate chemistry… i’m going to be an engineer / veternarian / doctor / etc. and I don’t care about chemistry.

Chemistry 162 only requires Algebra 2. If you want to be an engineer, doctor, etc. and cannot do the math in chemistry, you need to study a LOT MORE.

And I wanted to say to them: If you aren’t getting the grades you want, you have to put in the work. More work than you have been. And if your job is what’s making it difficult, you need to somehow prioritize. Take less classes, or work less, or SOMETHING. But no one is just going to give you a passing grade if you don’t work for it.

These are things I wanted to say after listening to them complain for a full 40 minutes or so, as it got darker and darker. I didn’t have it in me to say my real thoughts to them, but I think I’ll have to at least try to remain positive and steer the study session away from any kind of bitching and moaning. It’s just gonna work them up and not help anyone. I did agree that I don’t care for the lectures, but told them I read the book on my own and do my own problem-solving. They sound like they’re expecting someone to teach the knowledge into them. That someone cannot be me. I can only tell them what I know, and hope it helps in some way.

Today, I went to the study room, and was asked questions for about an hour by CHEM 161 students. I kinda had some answers right, but not really. I was distracted. I liked helping them, but hated feeling stupid for not having a clear memory of how to solve their problems. Shouldn’t I remember everything from CHEM 161? Damn it. As a chem major? I sort of had the answers, but not quite. It’s been happening like this a lot though. I go to the study room and can’t do my own studying because the tutor isn’t in yet, so they ask me (which I don’t mind). I help people for an hour or so, then leave. I believe in karma, and I like helping, so hopefully the hours I spend trying to answer questions are helping someone. I just feel terrible when I don’t answer their questions correctly. In truth, I feel it does help me a lot. I just wish I was better.

I don’t know why I have this weird reputation around the science room as being smart. I don’t feel worthy of it. I don’t really like being noticed. This is also a status I don’t feel I deserve. I feel like I’m a disappointment to myself and others. I guess this means I have to put in more work so I can stop feeling so unsure of myself… basically heed my own advice.

On a side note, my hot, young neighbor, is outside making meowing noises.

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me? self-conscious? don’t be ridicu—uh.

Yesterday, I was in the science room printing up something for class. Kevin showed me a cool article about the recent Higgs boson discovery, which went a little over my head and I wasn’t able to really concentrate on reading it, truth be told. But a woman walked into the room and complimented his shirt, and got something out of the fridge, and she obviously worked there… and it was my classmate and former soccer teammate from like, the 1980s! I didn’t recognize her at all, but she said she had seen me around, and was like: Hey – there’s a student here who looks just like Allyson, but that can’t be her… but she decided to ask me if I was in fact me, and… yup! So….. wow. I am running into people from high school now on campus.

She said I look young. I told her she was looking good. She turned to Kevin and said we are the same age, but that she looks a lot older than me (not true imo). But it was weird. It felt off to be a student, and run into people from high school who are well-established in their careers, and probably married with families and all the normal things other ladies in my class are most-likely up to. She seemed like an adult. She looked like an adult. She had really cool yellow-tinted glasses, and a nice skirt and shirt on. She looked great… while I was standing there in purple nikes, a plaid shirt and cargo pants, feeling like a kid.

I know I shouldn’t feel bad about these kinds of things, but I do.

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Remember the date

*a poem i wrote in 2010

Remember the date
They said my wedding day, is a day I’d always remember.
And the day my first child was born…
My prom,
My first car,
The birthdays,
All aglow with gifts, cakes, and flowers.

But the dates I remember, are the days when you left me.
And those dates, are somehow the most important now.
Because they mark when my life alone began,
And when your life here ended.
Now there’s no cake,
No gifts…
Just flowers,
And a wish for you to see them.

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I get up when the chips are down

I thrive on adversity. This is something every optimist does, I’m fairly certain. The futility of a situation is almost too seductive. A challenge to be met. A small piece of cake to be consumed neatly, and speedily. You didn’t know I had a thing for cake, but I do. Chocolate cake. Biggie smalls’ love-you-like-a-fat-kid-loves-cake cake. (You don’t know the half).

I had a math exam and a chemistry exam this week. Both met with a mediocre end. I always seem to blow the first exam. Maybe I secretly long for the struggle. The uphill battle that will surely ensue now that I’ve messed things up accordingly. I’ll have to bust my butt the rest of the semester if I want to keep my grades up.

I feel like there are times when my brain is trying to get away. Inching upwards along a rope, lacking arm strength; (and arms for that matter), no net below to catch it in the event it should plummet to its untimely demise. It hangs there, verily, waiting for enlightenment or a hero, or some kind of better deal to come along. But at the end of the day, she’s coming home with me.

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And your happy ending is.. ?

Impromptu Lounge (265/365)

I’m fascinated by the idea of a happy ending. Not the kind you find in a massage parlor or of the Disney persuasion. But an honest-to-God somewhat mediocre but also amazing in its simplicity kind of happiness.

I don’t ask for much, while asking for everything.

I’m also fascinated with this whole being “the man” kick I’ve been on lately. It’s liberating and humbling at the same time. I feel as if I’ve been kicked in the proverbial man-parts. You always kind of knew I had penis envy, didn’t you? As a regular reader of this blog, I imagine you did know that. And if you didn’t know… now you know. I don’t want to be the man — as in the establishment, but just in sexual voracity.

I still have that three-pack of condoms which will be expiring in 2016. I joked with a friend of mine that I was gonna start writing the names of prospective vict– er, I mean prospects on the outsides of the boxes. And when the expiration date hits, we’ll see if any of them were ever used. My money’s gonna be betting against me if you want the insider info.

This is my weird little post about the pursuit of sex with the man of my alleged dreams. Though the jury is at times out on that one. Mainly because I don’t think he’s thinking much of me.

I may delete this but for now I’m leaving it up here on the Internet, where it will surely impress no one. I’ve been writing in a more disjointed way. It matches how my brain thinks. I’m done with sensical blogging. Reason be damned! My friends will understand. And if they don’t, they’ll either be too polite to say so, or will call me out on it. Either way, I love ya.

I have not given up hope yet but I feel like I’m turning a new leaf. A more confident me, and perhaps a less-caring one is emerging. Less-caring in the sense that pride is no longer holding me back as much as it used to…

In the event I should fall on top of you please return me to an upright position.

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Hope is for the Hopeless

The Second Day (240/365)

Most days, I let things happen. People come and go, transactions take place and tasks that need to be completed are done in a timely manner. There is an unseen control that takes hold of all that needs to happen in order to be a “good” member of society. Droning on and on, never-ending. Monotonous. Secure and warm. A numb and antiseptic kind of warmth, like rubbing alcohol smeared deftly across an open wound. The pain feels good and the temptation to keep rubbing sets in, but I stop myself and let the air cool the burning… a different kind of discomfort as things fall to a more stable state. Everything longs to be more stable. I believe in hope. Does hope believe in me?

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Study Habits of a Bag of Bones

One of the guys today, told me I look like a bag of bones. He said it more than once in conversation, so I had to ask him if that was a good or a bad thing in his opinion, because English is his second language. He said it was a good thing. I felt OK about it after that. In my mind, I had the quick mini-internal-convo: “Hmmm… should I tell him that calling someone a Bag of Bones could really be seen as more of an insult?” and decided against it. I kinda liked it. It’s cool he thinks I’m thin. He guessed I was 55 kg, and I am 111 lbs, so he was pretty close. He said 55 kg is what he considers light. I am the slightest bit over 111 lbs, but generally in that area these days. When I was in high school, I was told my ideal weight for my height, is 107 lbs. But, hey. I’m also more muscular, I tell myself. But yeah. I still need some work.

I had Calculus and Chemistry today. I’m so happy I have both classes on the same day. I’d thought the 6-hour gap would be a bad thing, but it’s actually pretty great. Tomorrow, I have Chemistry lab, and that’s all, in the evening. Happy Happy. :)

I plan to try really hard in both classes this semester. I wish I could have taken more classes. It feels weird to only have two classes, but it’s all I can take. I need more Chem courses, Physics, and more Calculus, and that’s about it. I can’t stack Chem courses at this point, and Physics is only offered in the spring (and requires Calculus 1). By December 2014, if all goes according to plan, I’ll be done with LCC. I’ll have taken all the Chemistry I could, (Gen Chem and OChem), Calculus I – III, and The Physics series required for Chemistry majors (170 and 272).

I wish I was taking OChem right now since Andy and Alex are both taking it, and it seems like it’d be fun to be in their class. Alex is in my Calc class, and Andy was in my Bio 171/L class last spring. They both seem pretty sharp.

Math is starting to come together for me. I still have a ways to go, but things are beginning to make sense. Hopefully I do well in Calculus. I am dying on the earlier things like graphing functions, which should have been learned in Algebra. I need to practice over the weekend. I plan to, anyway.

Monday, is a holiday. I’m happy about that. I don’t think I’ll be checking out the Okinawan festival. This would be the first year in a long time that I don’t, but something tells me I can’t afford such things anymore. I still have a lot of vinyl to get rid of. I don’t know why I don’t just sell it, but who buys vinyl anymore? It’s now the age of the digital DJ, isn’t it?

My cold is pretty much in the end stages now, so I’m also stoked for that.

I saw the guy I like today, and felt happy.

I can’t complain about today. It went pretty well.

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I’m a Flakey and Sick Aquarius

Today, I went and sat in on Math at LCC, early in the morning. I had an epiphany of sorts this weekend, in which I realized I should make my schedule line up better and take Math and Chem on M/W, and have Tuesdays and Fridays off. I have Chem labs on Thursdays, but that’s all.

I’d wanted Pak, but schedule-wise, I think LCC Math on Mon and Wed is much better for me. I also like Seffrood so far from her lecture this morning, so I feel better about the change. I feel a little wishy-washy, but this is a good thing, I think. At first, I’d thought Pak would be better because of his great online reviews, but the con to it was being at KCC. Also, the three dudes I ask for opinions on most academic decisions (my personal brain trust) all went with Pak based on online reviews. But, I prove every so often that I still go against the brain trust. I’m still me… is that good? Yeah. I think so. I feel happy now.

I caught a cold. Just in time for the fall semester. So, I’m kinda miserable now, but it could be worse. I was able to function in class. Admittedly, at first, the AC was killing me in Chem, and my throat felt like someone was dragging a cotton ball across it with each breath, but it got better after drinking some water and popping a bunch of throat drops. Yowza. I was kinda out of it during lecture. I’m gonna be more quiet in class. I said some vaguely correct things, and one stupid thing. lol! I don’t care though. I still had fun.

I weighed myself and am back down to 111.something lbs. So, yay?

My throat is scratchy. I’m taking zicam and emergenC and forcing protein powder into me as well. Trying to adhere to a better diet. Man. Sore throat is the worst. I hate it more than anything, though the congested / runny nose I have right now also sucks.

But yay! I love LCC. I have nice people in both classes and had an overall good first day back.

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